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Scuba Diving is now possible

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A Discovery Scuba Dive is a supervised dive in which you can explore the underwater world at up to 12 metres deep. Your instructor will always be at arm's reach, ready and available to assist you with any issues. During some dives, your instructor may hold onto you for support. It's important to wear the correct size scuba tanks. This way, you can stay cool and enjoy your new sport.

PADI Discover Scuba Diving

PADI Discover Scuba Diving provides a great way to learn about scuba dive. This course can be taken by anyone of any age. It starts with a briefing followed by a swim of up to 12m. The course usually takes 2 to 3 hours.

PADI Discover Scuba Diving may not be a full certification course but the skills you acquire will be a great asset in your next step. PADI wants to make learning easy and enjoyable. No matter what your age, you can easily jump to the next level without difficulty and continue your education.

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PADI Open Water Course

PADI Open Water is a fantastic way to start scuba diving. This course combines open water and confined water training, and emphasizes safety as well as scuba skills. After completing the course, you will be able dive in safe and secure locations all over the globe.

Five different sections are included in the PADI Open Water Course. Each chapter has a knowledge review quiz. Students should complete the manual and answer all questions. Five videos are included with the PADIOpen Water course. They will assist students in understanding the course content.

Big Fish Diving

Big Fish Diving offers a Discover Dive Program that helps new divers to get comfortable with scuba dives. This program requires students must be at the age of 10 and familiar with basic swimming techniques. Each participant must also sign a medical waiver. A certified dive instructor will accompany new divers to the diving site.

Big Fish Dive Centre offers many options for renting dive gear. The centre offers a wide range of equipment that can be adjusted to suit individual needs. The centre recommends that you wear a shortery for colder months. A new dive boat has been built for the dive center, and can carry up to 20 tanks. A permanent mooring allows for easy access to the boat. Big Fish Diving has a range of PADI Specialist courses and diving courses that are available to advanced divers.

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Scuba gear

Scuba gear is necessary for exploration diving. The depth you intend to explore will dictate the type of regulator you need. To check how much air you have left, you can use a scuba gauge. It can be separate or integrated into your divecomputer. The gauge should be rated to the dive depth that you are planning.

Consider where you will be diving and your personal preferences when choosing gear. Some gear is universally compatible and can be used in any environment, while others are designed for specific types of diving. A diving mask, which can be worn at any depth or temperature, is an essential piece to your scuba gear.


Scuba Diving is now possible