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SSI Stress and Rescue Diver Training

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The Stress & Rescue course aims at improving your ability and response to situations that might occur while diving. It is both a good course for professionals and recreational divers. This course will help you manage stress and remain calm in submersion to prevent an accident. You will be able to manage a range of situations while diving.

Diver Stress & Rescue

The SSI Diver Stress and Rescue course provides you with the skills you need to respond to emergency situations while diving. The course includes classroom instruction as well hands-on training for emergency situations. You will also learn how to reduce your mental pressure. You will learn how to deal with various stressors and how to avoid stress-related accidents.

divers knife

Learn about how stress can be identified and dealt with by others. If necessary, the course will prepare you to provide emergency medical assistance. To register for the course, you'll need to create an SSI account. To do so, visit the SSI website and click the 'Online Registration' link. After you have created an account and registered, you can buy the SSI Open Water Diver certificate.

Advanced certified open water divers can take the SSI Diver Stress & Rescue Course. It includes academic and hands-on training for simulated emergency situations in confined water and open water. SSI Diver Stress and Rescue helps you to recognize and respond when diving is stressful.

Nico Dives Cool

The SSI Stress and Rescue Diver course is one of the most important courses you can take when it comes to expanding your knowledge about diving. You'll learn about the importance of putting other people's health first, and the course will also help you build your confidence. You'll gain a new perspective and experience diving.

You will learn about safety procedures and scuba equipment. Learn how to maintain calm under pressure and proper oxygen management. Also, you'll learn how to prevent and handle common dive accidents.

scuba diving certification

This program is suitable for children six to eleven years old. This program is designed to decrease stress and make it safe and fun for children. Kids will be guided in underwater adventures like acting like a real mermaid and freediving. SSI put a lot into this program and hopes that it will encourage more young people to go into the water.


SSI Stress and Rescue Diver Training