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What is PADI?

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PADI is the acronym for scuba diving instructors. PADI is the most important organization for divers and ocean explorators in the world. It offers courses in more than 180 countries and has a wide range of specialties. Find out more about the many specialties offered by PADI, including the PADI Open Water Diver Course. PADI has dive centers worldwide. This is a brief overview about the differences between PADI & SSI.

PADI stands as Professional Association of Diving Instructors

PADI is an acronym that stands for Professional Association of Diving Instructors. PADI is the Professional Association of Diving Instructors. It is possible to think of PADI as an acronym, even though it may be something you are familiar with from text messages. But it has multiple meanings. Find out all about PADI and why you should know. Are you interested in becoming a PADI Instructor?

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It is the most prominent ocean exploration and diver organisation in the world

PADI AWARE Foundation - A non-profit public charity that supports local action in support for global ocean conservation. The Foundation shares PADI's mission and leverages the organization's extensive membership network to promote awareness and action. In addition, the foundation supports ocean research through research grants and educational materials. It is supported by PADI. Padi.org offers more information about AWARE and how to participate.

Divers can opt for a variety of courses.

Divers who are interested in diving in particular areas of water or have previous experience can take PADI scuba diving courses. The specialties can help divers hone specific skills, discover new locations, or expand their knowledge of a particular subject matter. These courses are often offered as part of an online learning program. Learn more about specialties by reading on.

There are dive centers in over 180 countries.

PADI has a worldwide presence with more than 200 dive resorts and dive centers. The members include instructors, dive masters, educators, dive resorts, and educational facilities. PADI has a corporate headquarters in the United States and several regional offices in Australia and Canada. PADI membership includes approximately 130,000 professionals. There are 26 languages available for PADI dive materials. The PADI AWARE Foundation aims to reduce the industry's carbon footprint.

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It has a global charity

PADI members can make a positive impact on the world's oceans. Download the Rating Toolkit and send data to PADI to support their efforts. PADI is a strong supporter of Project AWARE which helps to save the oceans and protect the aquatic life that lives there. PADI AWARE Foundation not only educates aspiring scuba divers but also provides education resources and training to improve ocean sustainability.


What is PADI?