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Are You Over 18 to Scuba Diving?

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To learn to scuba diver, how old must you be? It depends on your situation. Children can complete their junior certification course and go to deeper depths. Adult certification can be pursued by both teens and adults. Both courses require you to be at least fifteen years old and have a minimum of a few years experience. Below are the requirements for each level of certification.

You must be at least 18 to scuba dive.

The recreational scuba diving council (RSTC), recommends that children under 15 years old not scuba dive. However, children under eight can learn to dive and are eligible for training. Due to limited scientific research on the effects of scuba divers on children, this age requirement may not be met. Individual results will vary. Qualified instructors should be trained to teach children.

You don't have to be at least 18 to learn to dive. PADI is one school that trains kids as young a ten year old. Children under 10 years old are considered junior divers. They will then be promoted to the appropriate adult level once they reach the right age. The British Sub-Aqua Club permits young people to train, although they must have attained the age of 12 in order to participate.

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Physical and medical requirements

Certain conditions can make it challenging for someone to safely dive. The ability to safely dive may be affected by certain medications and chronic conditions. Regular exercise is necessary for diving. Diving is not recommended for pregnant women. Before taking the plunge, it is a good idea to consult your physician if you have any conditions. More information about medical and physical requirements for diving can be found here.

To begin, you'll need to fill out the Recreational Scuba Training Council's medical questionnaire. This organization is located in North America. You can obtain this form from many sources. The RSTC will assess the completed questionnaire and determine if the prospective diver must undergo a medical exam. The answer to the medical questions does not automatically disqualify a person from diving. However, it indicates that they might have a pre-existing condition that could affect their safety.

Courses available

For scuba diving, you need to be at the least eighteen years of age. Depending on your location, the age requirement can vary greatly. If you're still unsure about whether you're old enough, check out the PADI Bubblemaker program, designed for kids. The program teaches them basic diving skills, including pressure and buoyancy. They also practice in a pool. During this training, they can go as deep at 12 feet.

To become a fully certified diver, you'll need to be at least eight years old. Although most agencies offer courses for children under eight years old, they will not give you certification to dive in open waters. PADI offers Seal Team programs and the Bubblemaker program for younger divers. This program is great for getting a taste of the experience, even though it may not be the best option for beginners.

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Certification requirements

You can keep your Scuba Diving certifications valid for life. However, to be able to teach beginners or start your own business, you will need an Instructor's Card. Many reputable dive centers require information about your certification, number and history of diving. If you haven't dived in six months or more, you may need to take a refresher course. Although the certificate is not valid for expiration, it's a good idea to take a refresher course each now and again to stay current on all the rules and regulations.

Five types of diving knowledge is required in order to attain scuba certification. The first two are open-water and the second is classroom. Each dive will simulate an emergency situation and require you to be able quickly to return to the surface. This portion of your course is similar in nature to obtaining a driver's permit. To pass the open-water dive, you will need to complete a knowledge test and take an exam.


Are You Over 18 to Scuba Diving?